Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Another Great Day in Monterey

(note: the waves described herein did not look anything like this gently breaking wave.)
So today, I went surfing around 1pm and met up with Steve, Dalaine's beau. The waves were overhead and dumping so powerfully that cars up on the hill were shaking at Del Monte Beach, so we walked down to the wharf and surfed right next to the pier - hmmmm, tasty water! Actually, it wasn't too bad, as the tide came in it kept getting better and better, I actually managed to ride the face of a couple waves for a few fleeting moments before my fins hit bottom. Once we tired of that, we walked back to Del Monte and took the punishment head-on. Excuse me, I need to go drain some more sea water out of my nose.....ok, all good. One nice extra hot shower with lots and lots of soap, some celery, carrots and bite-sized tomatoes later (dunked liberally into a mix of honey-dijon and blue-cheese dressing) oh, and triscuits, don't forget the triscuits, I'm sitting here at my computer telling the world about my day for no apparent reason except that I like to tell stories.
Oh, here's another story for you - so, I ordered me mum a digital camera for her birthday (2/9)... (don't worry, she doesn't know about this blog, I hope) and UPS said that it was delivered last night, but I didn't see it anywhere. So, I called the shipper and UPS and they said I had to file a police report in order to get the ball rolling to get it replaced. So anyway, a couple very nice officers were here just a little while ago and they took down my information on the situation, gave me a card with the case number on it so I could get a copy of the police report and then left...and returned in less than 5 minutes with my package. It turns out that the one neighbor who I figured it couldn't have been delivered to by mistake had in fact received the package. I could have saved myself a lot of time and worry if I had just gone over and asked him, but I still can't figure out why UPS would have delivered the package to the wrong side of the building and upstairs instead of downstairs. Weird. Must have been a new driver, because the regular woman is pretty on top of things.
Anwyay, I'm sure you're all enthralled by that story... WAKE UP!!!! I said, I'm sure you're all enthralled by that story. Right?